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TD Grissini

Our company and its history

Natalina Trifirò e Luciano Dallefrate started TD Grissini with much passion for the good products of our land. In 1986 they worked in the artisanal bakery, nowadays their new plant in Cigliano, in the Vercelli countryside, is a technologically advanced bakery, where the production still maintains its artisanal care. The selection of cereals and ingredients and the mixing and baking of the dough are skillfully made by our bakers, while an efficient customer service follows the projects and the distribution of new lines to the requirements of our customers in Italy and abroad.

Marchio eccellenza artigiano

With our great satisfaction our company has been rewarded the Marchio Eccellenza Artigiana (Artisanal Quality Trademark).


l'impasto e la lavorazione manuale I grissini vengono stirati a mano Il grissino appena sfornato Il prodotto imbustato, pronto per la distribuzione