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Td Grissini snc - Strada vecchia Livorno 47 - Italy 13043 Cigliano

Tel +39 0161 431333 Fax +39 0161 423304

The Td Grissini snc does not process personal data without the user's knowledge and does not use technologies that infringe personal confidentiality. The only personal data collected are those that the user willingly provides. In accordance with DLGV 196/03, the user is hereby informed that these data shall be processed exclusively with the aim of satisfying requests and not for any other purposes. The user who provides personal data has the rights under articles 7 and 13 of DLGV 196/2003 (italian law) including the right to delete, correct and update data, stop them being processed and to learn where and how such personal data are being circulated. For any further information you may require, contact the person responsible for the web site at: Td Grissini snc - Strada vecchia Livorno 47 - Italy – 13043 Cigliano.